Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thank You For Not Smoking!

So this is my general thought, SMOKING KILLS! Smoking one cig. like takes a few seconds off your life, but i still enjoy that puff puff like my life depends on it. My friend Tim and Amy and Debra think I smoke too much. Now I know that they care about me and I know they want to make me healthy, so why do they not just ask me to quit eating red meat's unhealthy, or what about MSG in pork, no one is worried there. Also, you have your fats, trans fats, trans sat fats. The list can go on and on and on. What cigs cause cancer, bad foods cause obecity, Being Overweight is the main symptom for the major reason for death in this country. Cigs are an appetite suppressant. I am all for quiting, but it made me wonder, why preach on one if you don't think about the others? Here are some Cig. Facts.......

  1. 1.2 billio people smoke world wide
  2. <>
  3. About 40 percent of America’s 50 million smokers will try to kick the habit at least once this year. Fewer than one in ten will succeed. — Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  4. Pregnant women who smoke have higher rates of miscarriage, , premature birth, and complications of pregnancy. More of their babies soon after birth from crib than the newborns of nonsmoking mothers.
  5. Road accidents, and drugs and solvents all . Smoking s five times more people before their time than all these other causes of put together. Smoking is the biggest single cause of preventable disease and premature in this country. — Smoking and Your Child, issued by Britain’s Department of Health

Now, what have we leared, anything? To be a valid argument, let me bring in the other factor, FOOD. Obesity Facts:

  1. Obesity and overweight are linked to Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and some cancers.
  2. People with Type 2 diabetes may develop kidney failure, loss of vision, high blood pressure, and hip and joint problems.
  3. High body mass index contributed to 3,154 deaths and 37,373 years of life lost in 1997.
  4. The number of adults who are overweight or obese has continued to increase. Currently, 64.5 percent of U.S. adults, age 20 years and older, are overweight and 30.5 percent are obese. Severe obesity prevalence is now 4.7 percent, up from 2.9 percent reported in the 1988 - 1994 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

I will interrupt, for only a second. PREVENTABLE, so they are saying obesity is prevetable, but so is lung cancer, in most cases, but it's the second cause of death in the United States. What does that tell me? Tells me that eating till you are over weight, is just as dangerous as me lighting up a cig, in the parking lot. I am not raving because of my friends, I love them. Today I went to the grocery store and this Overweight guy asked me why I smoked, I said because I enjoy it. He said well you should stop. I knew the guy, he indulges himself even if he is not hungry. HE is 22, almost 300 lbs. He can not walk to the door without passing out. And he lectured me on smoking. I couldn't say anything, I was just shocked, I have heard of situations like this but never been aproached. How can a guy that is overweight and INACTIVE give me advice on unhealthy descisions. You make one every trip to the pantry. Don't give me that, I enforce a healthy lifestyle cause that is crap. I don't think he knows this blog address, I might give it to him so he can stumble upon it, and say o crap, he is talking about me. I know I have posted a million times today but this just happened to me so I thought I would tell you guys what went down. I may edit it later, so get back to it and see if i wrote more.



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