Monday, February 9, 2009

Bebo and Sara

So sorry I have not posted anything in so long, today my uncle bebo passed away, and I am tore up about it and I do not know what to do except be strong for my family and try to do what I can for them. The weird thing is I have not cried. I was so close to him and yet I have not shed one tear. I have heard that the job I perform can make you hard on the inside and I hope that it has not taken effect yet. And on the other hand I want to be with my fiance and hold her and just let her know that everything is going to be ok. It is hard being away from her, and sometimes it is hard to share my feelings with her but I try so hard to do it sometimes. So I am going to hang out with my friend Justin P. tonight and just try to get away for a few hours and try to get some normalcy (probably misspelled) back into my life for just a little while. I miss sara so much it hurts sometimes. I hope she understands, and I think she does that sometimes I am a mess.

I have missed posting so much because it allowed me to relieve so much on the inside without having to say anything. I have always loved writing and being funny and alot of my friends say that my blogs are hilarious but all they are to me are ramblings and randomness. Well I am going to get back to my family and Sara if you read this, I love you baby. My prayers are with you and so am I.


NotOfHerOwn said...

Baby I love you so much! We've been through a lot together already and we're surviving. I love that you love to write. We have something else in common :D. Looking forward to reading more!!!!

Pink Bunny Suit said...

I love you too darling, you are my one my everything.I miss you deeply