Friday, February 13, 2009

relizing your potential

Ever walked into a funeral and dreaded everything u were going to experience that day. U just had no idea how much pain you are experiencing until you reach those big glass doors at the entrance. I think the emotion comes from deep down, it has to do with what lies behind the door,a family who loves you so much. The fact that your family is waiting to hold you and tell you it is going to be ok. A family that will be by your side holding your side feeling the exact same thing you are. As you walk in people greet you and hug you and give you their condolences and then you see your loved one looking good in their best suit but yet they do not look quite the way you remember them. And you just want to hold them and never let go but ypou can't because that's why you are there to say good bye. So you tell them goodbye and then you are off to laugh and tell stories about the loved one that had just passed. I believe that this is the usual process that comes with grief.

1 comment:

NotOfHerOwn said...

It is very tough. But the wonderful part about it is that they are in Heaven. He gets to see Jesus! He gets to catch up with loved ones who have already passed. On top of that, he doesn't hurt any more, he's not sick. Its a beautiful tragedy. I love you baby. You have been so strong.